Thursday, February 4, 2010

My soap boxES

The last couple of nights I have gone on mental (and occasionally verbal) tangents about my soap box topics. For the most part I am not one to get on a soap box about anything. I believe that life is too short to get your panties in a bunch about every little thing and standing on soap boxes is a waste of time. But alas here I stand and step upon the box of soap.

The soap is the brand called singleness and Christianity.

As a young Christian female I often feel prejudiced and as though my worth is less because I refuse to settle for God's best for me. I truly and 100% believe that God is forming me to be a woman perfect for my husband and that He is also forming my husband to be perfect for me. Not that we will be perfect people but that we, in our beautiful flaws, will be perfect for each other.
I think that I have been truly blessed with some amazing friends that have the same belief as me that single or married we are all valued in God's eyes equally. Unfortunately I have been involved in churches and around others who even though they may not verbally express it (I have attended churches that have verbally expressed this) don't feel or think that way and thus treat me as less because of my singleness (like it is a disease or something).
Or even better the part that I truly love the best, is when they spend their lives trying to hook me up with ANY and EVERY single guy they know. "Hi, nice to meet you, oh your single, I have someone you should meet." Um HI I JUST met you, you know jack about me, and you think that just from learning my name and my relationship status that you know who I should spend the rest of my life with. Seriously NO.
Also as a single woman I do NOT need to see others kissing and holding hands and getting all over each in front of me. Number 1 I am not ok with PDA in general. Number 2, ,what do you think it does for me as a single woman to see that? Does it benefit me in anyway? I am glad and happy for you that you found love and want to share that with the world. But having to watch you sometimes feels like you are rubbing it in my face. If I don't feel like that, I feel like I want to make out with the next guy I see. I feel like I am missing something in my life and need to fill it with something. There are actually probably a thousand different thoughts and emotions that go through my head when I see that. And I am not saving that you can't kiss your man hello and goodbye and that you can't hold hands when you sit next to him but just think about it for a second, before you decide to sit on his lap, or rub his thigh. The other thought that goes through my head is that if you are doing this in front of me what are you doing behind closed doors. That sounds really nosey I guess but considering that most of the people I see in relationships are also single Christians and so a lot of that thought comes out of concern for them and for their hearts.

What started my recent rantings is a radio sermon I heard about female modesty. I am pro modesty and believe that women of all ages should be aware of what they are wearing and how they are acting and how this effects the men around them. But the thing that I have never once heard anyone speak about is male modesty. Maybe it is bc I am not I guy and don't go to guy's conferences but I highly doubt it. I don't know if people just don't think about it, or don't want to think about it but guys and their bodies have just as much power over women as women have over guys. Guy cleavage is just as bad as girl cleavage. Guys who wear tight shirts so you can see their beautifully sculpted pecs are inappropriate and should be scolded just as if a girl had done the same thing. Ahh it frustrates to beyond words. Mainly because of the double standard in play.

This whole double standard led to my thoughts regarding sex. I have realized that as I have gotten older I have become more conservative. I don't plan on having sex until I am married for many reasons. Out of respect for myself, respect for my future husband. I don't want to get married, go out to the mall one day and run into a guy I used to sleep with. I don't want to have that thought run through my head that he knows what I look like naked. I don't want my husband to stand there and have those thoughts run through his head.

I have also decided that when I have children whatever school I send them to is going to have some pretty serious consequences for kids in the school that get pregnant. If you impregnate someone or if someone impregnates you, you should be suspended or kicked out of school or something. It is NOT ok for babies to be having babies.

Ok I will step down now and walk away. Thank you soap box for letting me stand on you for a bit.