Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have been having major I dont know what I am doing with my life moments lately.
Been at a job for almost two years that was just supposed to be something to pay the bills while i found a full time career. I have actually been asked if I  want to do this as my career and i cant say yes but i also cant say no. I like the tech part of my job. I love that I  get to build relationships with the people I  serve. My current position with my  company provides me some options for movement should I  decide that i want to live in a different city. Really that is a huge reason I  am still there. I like the idea that should i want to move to a new city i dont have to do the whole job search thing again.  But is that a good enough reason to stay at a job, prob not. and there are all these staffing/schedule changes going on right now that remind me that it doesnt matter how much I like what i am doing if i dont like the people i work with.  
I dont want to be the person who has a job just to pay the bills. I want to enjoy what I do. I want to not throw a hissy fit every day before work. I want to get ready for the day and be excited to go to a building that houses people I enjoy and activities I enjoy and just happens to pay me. I am a realist so I understand that no matter what that happening everyday may not happen. But I would like it to happen more often than not.

The funny thing about this post (that I have working on for a month) is that I had the thought about a week ago that maybe I will never be the person who knows what she wants to be when she grows up. I'm not a doctor or a teacher or a lawyer. I am a worker and maybe I will spend the rest of my life just going wherever God takes me to whatever job God wants me to do.

31 and still trying to figure it all out.