Saturday, March 23, 2013


I will admit I enjoy a good crush. I like thinking a boy is cute/funny/smart and the way my heart goes fliter flater when he walks by. That initial "I think you are cute" and then as you get to know them more you realize I would never actually date you and it is less commital and you dont have to get them invovled
My favorite kind of crushes are the ones I know I will never act on, the celebrity,  the random guy down the street, the co-worker.
Part of it is that I like the idea of them in my head. The man that I have built them up to be, so I would never act on it and have that bubble burst. The other part is a genuine fear of rejection. So thus the no action.
But still I enjoy the crush. I enjoy the smile that creeps across your face when you see them. The way your heart goes pitter patter when they look your way. And even when the crush has run its course and it over and you have moved on, every once in a while you smile remember the way they used to make you feel.
Strangely enough I also enjoy that moment when through lifes many events you find the flaw. He is in a relationship,  he doesn't love Jesus, he has a thing for country music. That moment when the house of cards comes tumbling down. That moment of total and complete sadness, and after a moment of absurd heartbreak a new crush is formed and the process starts all over again.

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