Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Was going to post today about the oddity that is the phone interview but just got a call for a followup phone interview and am through the roof excited. It has been a long 6 months, so this is feeling good.

But phone interviews are pretty crazy. You can't read the interviewers expressions, but you also don't have to worry about traffic getting to a place late or super early, or the akward handshake. Best part is you don't have to dress up, which I truly enjoyed yesterday as I sat on my bedroom floor in my jeans and band tshirt. And I am going to love it again tomorrow as I once again sit on the bedroom floor in jeans and a shirt (or sweater, Long Beach has been getting chilly)

I am actually having a super hard time right now focusing. Granted the job, while at a company I would love to work for, is not in California, and part of me just isn't ready to move yet, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally commented on this last night, but either you deleted it (boo) or blogger isn't working correctly (also boo, but not as big as the first one). What I said was that I'm super excited for your interview. I hope it goes really well and that the process gives you more excitement/energy for your job search! I love you!
