Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The waiting game

I have now had two phone interviews with one company and a phone and face to face interview with another company. While I understand the need to interview other people and make sure they find the most qualified candidate I also dislike the fact that I sit here waiting. It is times like this that I want to change my 10 year plan towards HR and work in recruiting and hiring and remind those departments about the pain of sitting and waiting and about how even though it sucks it is nice to get a reject letter because then you know for sure. You know that they got your application, you know that they found someone else better, and in rare cases you know that you suck.
Wouldn't that be nice? If companies would not only send you a reject letter but also say why.

Dear Mr. Jones,
Thank you for applying for our company. While we are very sure that you think you are a skilled writer, you might want to work on your editing and spell checking skills. While it is great that you spent three years in Africa feeding the poor, this skill does not translate to the world of aerodynamics.
Next time we recommend you applying for a job you are actually qualified for, like working at the soup kitchen.
Thank you,

Ahh that would be soo good, or at least a personality builder/education tool. Obviously there would have to be some restraints on that for legal reasons.

So this is what I do while I wait. I become slightly absurd and my mind wanders and I apply for more jobs b/c that is what the cool kids do.

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