Friday, October 30, 2009

Yesterday I spent the afternoon at Disneyland celebrating a friend's birthday. Today one of my roommates made the comment about how it must be nice to be on vacation all the time and go to Disney whenever I want.
This might be true if I had money to blow and wasn't concerned at all about how I was going to pay bills. But unfortunetly I do not have a father who is trying to buy my love and is paying for me to live this life or paying to have all my belongings shipped across the country.
It might also be true if I didn't spend every day looking for jobs and applying and applying and applying and get rejected and rejected and rejected and rejected. Ones self worth really tends to go down the tubes and there is alot of self doubt involved in that, as well as when you feel like you are surrounded by people who don't want you succeed. Not that they want me to fail, they just don't want me to succeed.

Also, what is the correct response when a company says that you will hear from them on Friday and it has been a week since that said Friday? I sent over an email on the Monday following that Friday but have still heard nothing. Not sure how I feel about calling them, partly because I am in a funk right now, which is kinda crazy because I was on one heck of a working kick the other day.

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