Thursday, August 5, 2010


Those of you that know me know that food is a pretty major part of my life, like in the "how the heck is that girl not 1000 pounds" sorta way.

The other day after eating at Red Mango and being disappointed because it was definetly no YogurtLand, I started to think about my life and eating habits and how when I lived in California there was little to no foods that I missed in the Midwest. There was the occasional desire for Dorthy Lynche (sp?) dressing and in the summer sweet corn but that was really about it.
Now that I have been back in the midwest for almost a year I miss A LOT of resturants from CA. Yogurtland is a constent miss, especially in the warm summer months. When I went to Red Mango the other night I was kinda disappointed cuz they just don't have any many flavors and all of theirs were fruity, not sweet and fun like YogurtLand (oh rootbeer you were pretty awesome)
There is also In N Out Burger which is another constent miss. My mouth is currently watering thinking about those burgers and fries. I'm not going to lie I usually felt sick if I went Animal style on both the burger and the fries, but it was delicious and worth it every time.
Then there is El Pollo Loco and any place where I can get a decent fish taco. That is what I truly miss the most, fish tacos.

I went to a so called 'Mexican" resturant the other day for lunch and decided to order their fish tacos to try them out and it was kinda like eating a fish stick in a tortilla shell with some lettuce and tomatoes. I proceeded to try and cover it with several different things to help it out but nothing worked. It still makes me sad to think about it.

So even though I love my family and am happy to finally be employeed after almost a year of unemployement, I would totally move back to Cali just for the food.

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