Friday, January 7, 2011

I am sorry we can't be friends

I was asked the other day by one of my coworkers if we could still be friends after he told me he wasn't into that "thing" I do on Sundays. My response, even though I knew he was kidding about our friendship ending, was that I don't believe in Christianity in a box. This very short conversation lead to me thinking.

How is the world supposed to know how awesome Jesus is if they don't interact with people who already know?
But how often is that exactly what happens, how often do Christians keep Jesus to themselves and their other Christian friends, either by only be friends with other Christians of by not telling their non-Christian friends about Jesus, which I must admit is me.

All my friends, Christian and non, know that I go to church on Sundays, and Bible study on Thursdays. They know that I believe in Jesus, and his teachings, and do things like not sear around me (because Christians never swear. Different topic for a different time). But how much do they really see Jesus in how I act, how much do I actively and openly share with them about what God is doing in my life?

Ever since that short conversation with my friend, I have wanted to dig in deep discussion with him about his feelings on Jesus and his past experiences, since he had "done the church thing before." I hope the reason he stopped it short was that we were at work and had customers around, and not that he thought he couldn't have that conversation with me.

I guess since it is a new year, maybe I should make a new years resolution.
In 2011, I resolve to have more of those conversation with ALL my friends, to find out what they believe, and to inform them of God's workings in my life.
To not just speak it but to live it.

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