Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Coffee Shop Worker

As I sit in the coffee shop, pretending to work but really just staring off into space, I am reminded of how often I have thought about working at a coffee shop.
But as I sit here and look around at the other patrons sitting and sipping, typing and talking, I glance at the barista as she stands at the counter by herself, saying hello to the first new person to walk in in the last 20 minutes and go about making a drink before she goes back to standing behind the counter, counting change and replacing cups. I wonder if she is lonely up there all by herself. Just waiting for one of us who have had our drinks and using the store for its warmth and internet and buying coffee more out of neccesity then desire (though in my case it is both) to want a refill.
I wonder if she is lonley and desires for someone to spark up a converstation with her (as I know I would want if I was her) or if she enjoys her time of solitude with minor interuptions to create a wonderful drink.
Does she think of new ways to mix the flavors and wait for fellow employees to come in so she can try out her newest creation. Does she secretly put whole milk in when people ask for non-fat?
Does she write songs in her head, sneaking away for moments to write them down? Or is she solving math problems just to keep her brain fresh?
Does she make up stories about what the patrons are doing in her little coffee shop, like I am creating stories about her?

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